What Are We Advertising? Will It Sell? | A Marketing Landscape in 2025

A Marketing Landscape in 2025. The Ads of Google. For anyone who has dabbled in google ads, they have found out two things for sure: Success can be found on google Failure is much easier to find To make a campaign successful on google, you need to be attentive to who your audience is and what it is they want to find. Will you know this information right away? Not necessarily. You can research your audience before going live, find out which key phrases have had a history of success and include or exclude the audience(s) that seem like a good fit for your goals. Being diligent with these tasks will (I mean should) get you off to a good start, but there will be more specific, daily tasks that you will need to be watching for, these include: CPC/Engagement Cost So your ads have been running for a week and you see you have two conversions, awesome! The thing is though, you spent $100 to get these two phone calls. Not exactly optimal on the budget At this stage y...